
Where is the Money?

The fraudulent design

Take a look around you and ask yourself – why the hardest working people are not the richest ones on earth? Why are teachers, farmers, construction workers and doctors (people who everyone on the entire planet needs) not billionaires? Well, some are and I’ll get into that later.

Now, let’s cut the – heal the world – crap, the world is in chaos and turmoil, it isn’t obvious but it’s dying. The world owes over $258 trillion in debt – to who?! The financial system is crumbling, financial institutions are running into the ground. National currencies are seeing rapid devaluation and inflation, the global Covid-19 pandemic did expose a lot. Alternative financial systems like cryptocurrencies built on the basis of trust are fast rising.  

No matter how much we preach love and peace, it seems not to be shared with the over 1 billion people living in hunger especially in third world countries. I’m wondering who came up with the classification of humans according to where they live. First world, second world, third world. Tragic!

You know, I saw a funny twitter post where a user said ‘Jeff Bezos has $117 billion, if he shares just $7 billion with the 7 billion people on the planet, he’ll be left with $110 billion’. I laughed so hard but then there was a bit of sense in the tweet. The funny thing is most of Jeff Bezos net worth is not available in cash, it’s in stocks, shares, bonds, properties etc.

Money is man-made. It isn’t real. Money is just a means of exchange of value. The true value lies in the goods, services, labour that money is exchanges for. 90% of the world’s money exists digitally the rest is cash. What’s that saying right there? Money can be conjured out of thin air by those who control it. Oh I miss the days when Gold was the standard of money. I’m just kidding, I read that stuff in a book I never spent Gold. I wish I did.

The pattern of Money

There’s so much money in this world, why can’t I just have a share of it?

Money follows 3 elements

  • Location
  • Complexity
  • Numbers/scalability


Which geographic location are you situated? What industry do you ply your trade? Which instruments do you put your money in? Where are you?

Some countries, over the years due to several factors, have developed and designed in a way that they are positioned to have massive flow of money within them. Examples are some of the largest economies in the world USA, China, Japan, Germany, U.K etc. This explains why there are heavy immigration rate worldwide to these countries. People simply follow the money in the guise of seeking better opportunities.


In 1962, Ghana and Thailand had almost the same GDP (Gross domestic product – the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period) with similar levels of income and economic growth but today Thailand’s economy is 4x bigger than Ghana. What exactly happened over the years? Ghana invested a lot in Education, cocoa farming, Gold etc. while Thailand diversified and invested in a lot of things and are into the production of – Cars, Electronics, chemicals,  production, vehicle parts, diamonds, delivery trucks, integrated circuits etc. Lots more complex stuffs than Ghana

The money is in the complex stuff! Here’s one more example.

Norway, a country with a population of 5 million people has a GDP of about $400 billion while Nigeria, a country of about 200 million people has nearly the same GDP as Norway. Does this mean that 5 million people produce more than Nigeria’s 200 million people? Of course not. This is the clear difference – Norway exports oil, Ships, Boats and Medical apparatus while Nigeria majorly exports oil. One country knows how to make more complex products that the other.


Numbers don’t lie. The world is designed to be obsessed with numbers and growth. If the numbers are down, a country isn’t doing well, if the numbers are up, the country is a fast-moving economy. The tyranny of numbers. Value is more attached to products that can scale or move large volumes. The world loves numbers, people love numbers, businesses loves numbers.

If a $10 product is sold to 1000 people, that’s $10,000 in revenue. If the same product is sold to 100,000, that’s $1,000,000 in revenue. Do you see why numbers are important?

What does this all mean?

A friend, Lucky Henry, CEO of Muna once said the money is in the hard stuff.

A Harvard lecturer who teaches a few hours per week gets paid more than a high school teacher who breaks her back every day at work. Why? The Harvard lecturer possess complex skills not everyone has, the world ascribes more value to his work and location of the institution he is related with. The money is in the complex skills and location

There’s a limit to the number of rides an Uber driver can have in a day, a single article from a writer can reach millions of people in a day. Both professions are tough and hard. Of course, learning how to drive is no easy feat. It takes some time to learn and of course learning how to write, learning how to distribute the content, learning how to tap into people’s emotion, learning how to rank on search engines are no easy feat as well but one of these is scalable to millions of people at a go. The money is in the scalable stuff.

READ: How to sell your skills to multi-million dollar blockchain and cryptocurrency companies to earn over $1000 monthly

I’m from a developing country, how do I make money?

To make ungodly money in this modern day, you need to learn complex skills, learn how to scale your skills and learn how to monetize your skills in the right locations or markets. The internet has made our lives pretty much easier. There are free access to digital complex skills you can learn on the internet – Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Content marketing, Illustration, Video marketing, Financial analyst, Graphic design, Copywriting, SEO, Programmer, Software developers, Blockchain developers, Data analyst etc.

You can offer your skills to locations with good flow of money and learn how to scale your skills to numerous clients.

Take for instance. You are an Illustrator (complex skill), you offer your skills to a client in Germany (Location) and you make an average of $10,000. Maybe then you take on more clients or create a paid content on how to be an illustrator that 2000 people pay for (Numbers).

Did I hear you say but that’s unfair to others? Well a lyric from one of my mentors, Jay Z who happens to be a rapper, stuck with me ever since I heard it and it goes Don’t blame Shawn, I didn’t invent the game I just roll my dice tryna get some change.  

Money follows Value. Provide value to a good number of people/clients/companies in the right location and you’ll have more money than you can spend


10 thoughts on “Where is the Money?”

  1. This is awesome and challenge driven to anyone who seeks a change not just in his Finance but also in the world around him.

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